How to decode you fatigue?
A brilliant book called ‘How to decode your fatigue’ By Alex Howard, takes a deep dive into the reasons behind chronic fatigue, he has developed a 12 step process to help discover and recover from chronic fatigue.
One of the most interesting chapters for me was about the 5 personality types.
- Achiever – whether your driving yourself towards a career, trying to make the world a better place, striving to become a good parent, or indeed pursuing our own healing path, if the demands of the tasks ahead of us are consistently placed above the bodies communications for rest or care, were living in a way that’s unsustainable, and an achiever pattern is at play.
- Perfectionist – A close comrade of the achiever. The difference between them is the achiever tends to be more focused on the image of success, whereas the perfectionist is more focused on getting things right along the way. Achievers are addicted to the very act of doing and being busy, while perfectionist are addicted to handling all of the details. And of course, we can have both forces at play.
- Helper – There is a particular challenge that goes with being a helper – because of our natural tendency to want to help others, we find ourselves in a lot of situations with people who want or need our help. Be it a full on co-dependant relationship or just naturally finding ourselves giving rather than receiving support, the impact is eventually the same we consistently put more into our relationships than we get back, and this is energy depleting.
- Anxiety – Because our nervous system doesn’t distinguish between something that’s real and something that’s vividly imagined, the more anxiety patterns we run, the more draining it becomes to our body and nervous system.
- Controller – As with other personality patterns, sustaining the controller takes an enormous amount of ongoing energy. And because we cant truly control ourselves or the world around us, we’re still left with an underlying sense of anxiety. Ultimately, the strategy never truly works.
Excerpts taken from the Book Decode your Fatigue By Alex Howard.
When working with a client who is suffering from the above I take a deep dive into their case history to try and connect the dots and figure out what the driver of this is. It can be multiple things. Using a combination of diet, supplements and lifestyle and treating the root cause clients can get back to their usual health within a year usually.
Get in touch to find out more. [email protected]